Sin is considered to be the transgression against the divine law or the law of Moses. The whole law is listed in as Ten Commandments and this set of law is the fundamental law of Christianity. Jesus Christ Himself have told that these law shall remain for ever and nothing will disappear from the  law until everything  is accomplished. Before the establishment  of the law of Moses, God had punished  the sinners en masse in Sodom Gomorrah and by the deluge at the time of Noah. Men were asked to repent on their deeds and offer sacrifices to please God.

Since none of these acts could prevent sin on earth, finally, God Himself have taken birth in this world as man in the name, Jesus Christ. Jesus have taken up punishment for and on behalf of entire humanity and thereby everyone is set free from certain punishment. Instead of birds and animals the Son of Man Himself have sacrificed on the cross at Golgotha. This is the only unblemished sacrifice offered to God ever. Though this sacrifice was meant for the emancipation of humanity from the negative energy, the aftermath of this is to be reaped by man subject to the recognition of this divine sacrifice. Anyone who believes that Jesus Christ have suffered and died for himself shall certainly be liberated from the clutches of sin. He shall be granted everlasting life.

Here arises a question. When Jesus have paid the ransome and freed us, are we bound to pay anything more? Before answering this we must find what is sin. If sin is the transgression of the divine law, this has already been forgiven by the Supreme Sacrifice, if we accept this sacrifice for the forgiveness of all our sins. Until this sacrifice no sin was forgiven and no one became eligible for the Kingdom of God. Jesus Himself confirms this. "God has raised up no greater son of woman than John the Baptist; and yet to be least in the kingdom of heaven is to be greater than he." (Mathew 11:11) "No man has ever gone up into heaven ; but there is one who has come down from heaven, the Son of Man, who dwells in heaven." (John 3:13) It is evident from these words of Jesus that until then no sin was forgiven and, therefore, no one could see the kingdom of heaven.

Further to the law of Moses there are  addition and addendum by the clergy from time to time. Most of the Christian communities are within the confinement of this long list of sins.
According to Christian faith no one can attain the Kingdom of God with any sins. How the sins are forgiven is well explained in the Holy Bible. "God so loved the world, that he gave up his only-begotten Son, so that those who believe in him may not perish, but have eternal life." (John 3:16) "Drink, all of you, of this; for this is my blood, of the new testament, shed for many, to the remission of sins." (Mathew 26:28) "And for these sheep I am laying down my life."(John 10:15)

It can be safely concluded, may be  surmised, that sins could be forgiven only through the acceptance of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. As far as the Son of Man is concerned He has forgiven the sins of every human being. All those who admit this truth get remission of sin. Therefore, all those who have lived in this world after the crucifixion of Jesus can have only one sin, that is, unbelief in the supreme sacrifice. Failure to believe this make all those to bear the accumulated sins of generations.

KV George


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