Astrology gave birth to astronomy or vice verse is something yet to be resolved. The primitive man looked at the celestial bodies with curiosity and fear. By trial and error method he looked at the familiar bodies for their impact on him. This process after continuous evolution reached to days all cosmic sciences.

Until Galelio there is nothing much to say about astronomy as a science. However during 4000BC Chinese could record eclipse.The pyramids were constructed in 2500 BC, lines of standing stones at Carnac and Stonehenge erected at Salisbury by megalithic observers in 2000 BC are exceptions. The Babylonians prepared a calender based on the regular cycle of the moon. Since 3000 BC they used zodiac signs similar to that of today. Galelio's telescopic observation in 1609,  Johannes Keplers laws of planetary motion (1st two laws in 1609 and 3rd law in 1619),  Newtons law of gravitation in 1666, Greenwich observatory founded in London in 1675, discovery of Uranus by Herchel in 1781 etc are the early mile stones of modern astronomy. Janthar Manthar  constructed in New Delhi  in 1724 by Rajput king Savai Jai Singh the IInd is an important contribution to the development of astronomy. Aryabhatta, Bhaskaracharya, Varahamihira etc are the early Indian astronomers to remember.

Astrology has its root in early Chinese, Babylonian, Hellenistic, Islamic and European societies. Even though there is no mention about astrology in Vedas,  early Hindus in India practiced this form  of science. The treatises like 'Vedanga Jyothisha'  of around last centuries of BC, 'Yavanajathaka' or the 'Brihat Samhita' of early centuries of AD are important astrological documents.

Astrologers reckon the elements like Vargas, Grahas, Rasi, Bhavas, Nakshatras, Dasas, Dristis, Gocharas, Yogas and Dig Bala and the zodiac signs. Zodiac is an imaginary band of 360 degrees divided into 12 equal parts of 30 degrees each. This is the sign of Rasi. Rasi is considered to be the fixed background  against which the motion of planets is measured. Each sign indicates each part of body like head, heart, feet etc. As per the ephemeris chart  at the time and place of birth of the individual concerned the horoscope is casted. There are innumerable cases of significance in accuracy of prophesies by astrologers of eminence but hardly any one could substantiate his claim with scientific support.

Weather forecast is an astronomical aspect. Considerable number of predictions go haywire. Still the status of meteorology as a science is intact because the error is in ascertaining the datas or failure to collect the required datas. A meteor hit Siberia recently causing extensive damages could not be predicted with accuracy of time and place. Both astronomers and astrologers could have predicted the occurrence had they watched the sky and analysed the  datas. If all facts of relevance could be gathered any celestial event can be predicted both by astronomers and astrologers. Similar is the case in events within earth too.

The fundamental element of astrology is magnetism. Every life being on this earth has its own magnetic field called the bio magnetic field. The earth has its own geomagnetic field All planets and their satellites have their own magnetic fields The sun has its own solar magnetic field. Other individual stars and constellations in our  galaxy. individually and together make the inter  stellar magnetic fields. The great magnetic fields between the galaxies are yet to be identified and measured. Two magnetic fields draw and repulse each other in accordance with their constitution. In fact astrology revolves around this scientific principle.

The most obvious astrological manifestation, the influence of moon on earth, is the ocean tides. Remarkable changes in the behavior of some animals during new moon and full moon were observed much earlier than the astrological studies begin. A study with the title 'Lunacy'  by Danzl, published in the journal of Emergency Medicine in 1987 found that 80% emergency room nurses and 64% physicians agree that the moon affects their patients behavior. According to research report published by Dr Michael Zimecki of Polish Academy of Sciences the following are noticed. a) Murders and assaults peaked around full moon. b) Car accident rate dropped on full moon. c) Study on 800 urology patients found  higher urine retention during new moon.

A study at Georgia State University found that subjects increased their meal size by 8% and decreased their alcohol intake by 26% during full moon. An analysis of medical records over 22 years from the Slovak Institute of Preventive Medicines in Bratislava found that gout and asthma attacks rose during new moon and full moon.

"Avoid terrorist attacks on Sept 11. 2001" These are the words from Lynne Palmer's book, 'Astrological Almanac for 2001' printed and published by Star Bright Publishers in July 2000.

It is a fact that the moon, the sun, the planets, and the nearby stars and constellations do have influence on earthly life but the exact nature and measure of that influence is poorly understood. Only wide studies will develop our understanding more and more. Instead, if we say nothing to study, we are closing the door of the large panorama. Even though both astronomy and astrology have similar basic principles the approach and the interpretations are different.

Kerala, India 


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