
Showing posts from July, 2022


Of late it has been found at least some of our packed products do not have either price or weight or both of them. Through it is mandatory as per GST Act in India to mention the price and gross weight of the packet  on the cover, many manufacturers  skip either of these or both. In these days when people are doing self collection of the required commodities from super markets, they need to ensure while picking the packets the quantity and the price on the cover. Despite making suitable law for this and establishing seperate department to enforce the law some manufacturers, willingly or otherwise do not comply with the law. In some cases though both these informations are available on the packets it is very difficult to read because of the size of the letters and the location where it is shown. It may, therefore, please  be ensured by all concerned that  in every packets the price, weight/nos  date of manufacture and shelf life of the contents may be ...


While considering a number of petitions from students who had medical admission from different states from 2004 to 2007, the Apex Court gave a very powerful and symbolic verdict against rampant corruption in our educational sector. The supreme judiciary also gave effective guidelines also to the management of colleges so that they cannot misinterprete the admission procedures. It should be a joint effort both by the government and the people to eradicate corruption from nour country. Joint effort may be a distant dream, the way it spreads. In fact corruption is accepted by our society. It has become part of our day to day life. However, corruption in the educational sector, especially in medical studies will have cancerous effect to our society. Money should not be allowed as a criteria for a medical admission. It will only produce financial managers, not doctors. At least our educational sector should be maintained corruption free. The people should help the legal system i...


We  all believe that God created man. It is equally a truth that man created God. According to any religion no one has ever seen God. If somewhere it is said that someone has seen God it can only be interpretation. Similarly, if anyone say that he knows Gods, it is sheer misconception of God. If someone says he knows God, he should be able to answer any questions pertaining to the whole universe. The reason for saying so is that God cannot be contained in the human brain. According to scientic view the distance from one end of the universe to the other end is about 46 billion light years. When one light year is about 9 trillion kilometres, to count the distance of the the universe, it needs how many times man to take birth is again be calculated and found. With this simple assessment we may try to find God. God is created by man in different ways like man and woman in different shapes, colours and sizes. Most of the religions have created their respective gods in differ...


Many untoward incidents have taken place around the church in the recent past. Since all those who are related to the Church know these, counting of those one by one may be a repetition. Observances and ceremonies are gaining significance over the word of Christ since long in the Church.  Gradually church is gaining momentum over Jesus Christ and the Holy Book. Sathyagraha against the head of the Church by priests, armed tussle among the believers in front of the office of the head of the Church, pushing out the priest from the altar while performing the Holy Mass etc are unheard of in the Church. The Catholic Church has done their best since long to misinterpret  the Holy Gospels and impose rites  over the words. A large number of so called faithful  have been mislead by the system.  A large section of the people are closing the Sanctum Sanctorum by a curtain while others have removed the curtain for ever. While Mar Thoma cross is  placed on th...


It can be found that there are 195 independent countries in the world. Out of these a few are very strong and can fight with any other country. Some are strong enough to protect themselves. And a few others can stay with the strong and keep themselves away from any attacks. What is shown here are a handful of them only from the total list. It is a glaring fact that even in these 195 countries Taiwan is not an independent country because the powerful China has raised a claim over this country. If such claim was from neighbouring small countries the world would have United to say a no to them. However, since it is China no one wants to interfere and take the trouble. It is the same case with Ukraine. All said and done, no one has come to protect Ukraine from the powerful Russia. Tomorrow the name Ukraine itself may be erased from the world map. Still no one may actively interfere to save the poor country. This can be with anybody. We have seen countries doing inhuman treatmen...


We Indians   boast ourselves about our 'Arsha Bharata Sanskruti' and tradition which stands top on the world. Unfortunately, our acts reveals a reverse theory. We Indians must be the most indisciplined lots in the world. Whether it is in home, school, place of worship or public roads, our performance is certainly in an indisciplined manner. This is because we don't teach our children in schools about discipline. Why we don't teach them, because we ourselves do not know what is discipline. All sorts of corruption in our country is the result of indiscipline. Our political waywardness is also the results of indiscipline. Say the least, huge number of road accidents in our country is nothing but the outcome of indiscipline. The poverty in our country can be eradicated by disciplined life all around. We do not know where we are to go and where we are going. All sorts of strike and protests in our educational institutions is nothing but ignorance from indisciplin...


India has abundant natural beauty spread across the country.  We have large mountains, wide range of forests filled with animals, many bird sanctuaries, great rivers, many historical monuments and countless other contributions by the nature and age old creations of man.  Though we have unending spots of good sight seeing and many more ingredients to attract tourists from all over the world we could so far not reach the top slot in income. While the government is trying to extract more and more money from people through taxes, especially from vehicle fuels we are not trying to explore more and more alternative avenues like tourism. This is a never ending inflow of money. If the state and central governments are not making adequate efforts to enhance the tourist inflow, people should take the responsibility. We have countless number of social organisations engaged in various activities. All of them may add tourism too in their portfolio. They ...


The recent decision of the government for setting target for road traffic officials for picking traffic offences, is for raising the revenue of the state. It is certainly an arguable decion. If a similar decision is taken for picking up criminals like thieves, cheats, drunkards etc at a given number every day/week/month to each police station, the after effect will be unbearable for the people. Police officials shall be constrained to make many innocent people as criminals to fill the quota. Similar action may be taken by road traffic department. Dearth of revenue for the exchequer is a glaring fact. In order to overcome the situation the state have fairly large resources and also have adequate manpower to exploit it. However, for unknown reasons the successive governments are not trying to  such resources and raise the revenue. There are many areas in the state where the existing revenue can be enhanced multifold. Unfortunately no government is focusing at these possib...


From   Rs 4.76 per dollar in 1947, Indian rupee fell to an altime low of Rs 83.38  However, when USA is facing a severe inflation, may be one of the harsh one of the recent times, it could make no dents on the US Dollar. It seems that exchange rates are arrived at by some mythical terms of calculation. I think it is near impossible to give a satisfactory explanation to this strange state of international exchange rates. May the economic priests sit together and arrive at a universally acceptable formula for international monetary exchange. The existing system of exchange rates is not managed by any universal theory. Currently the rates are managedg by some countries according to their preference. If Indian rupee falls in exchange with US Dollar, it instantly make impacts on our purchase of oil. That should not happen. Oil price should be as per the deal between India and that country. USD should have no role to play their. USA is dictating the exchange rates w...


The  people as a whole or a certain sections of the society may protest against some action taken by the central or state governments or by any local authority. These protests should be within the purview of the constitution. "Freedom of speech, right to assemble and demonstrate by holding dharnas and peaceful agitation are the basic features of the democratic system", as the Supreme Court in its judgement has upheld the right to peaceful protest as a constitutional right. However, people of different parts of the country come out to protest, become violent, stop vehicles on the road, forcefully close the shops etc are some regular features of our protests. These protests are generally infused by the political parties. When such parties are present in the ruling governments, these destructive protests gets silent approval by the ruling governments. Whatever may be the cause, preventing movement of vehicles on the roads should not be a mode of protest. This is not ...


We the so called 'clean' Malayalees and the Indians as a whole can stand in a challenge to find the most unclean people in the world. We can expect the stop slot. We have made the country so dirty that we cannot clean the whole country overnight. We need to get organised first. To keep the country clean and maintain it as clean ever are the first two two steps. The former one can be achieved by learning about cleanliness by ourselves and teaching the same all those around us. We can find all about cleaning our surroundings from different advanced countries around the world. Towards the later, the children of today should learn more and more about cleaning of our surroundings. We must include this on top most priority to the syllabus from class 4 to class 12. Alongwith the above steps, we must stop forcefully making our surroundings unclean. The first in this is should stop writing on walls all around, pasting posters everywhere, placing of publicity boards near the ...


We may find below the exchange rate of Indian Rupee with US Dollar from 1950 to this day. Year                    Rupees per                             US$ 1950                   4.76 1960                   4.76 1970                   7.50 1980                   7.86 1990                 17.50 2000                 44.94 2010                 45.73 2020                 71.29 09.07.22          79.29 Important factors those determine the currency exchange rates a...


The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine has caused huge loss to the latter including considerable number of human lives. If we go for a broader analysis of the real cause of the war, there could only be two things. One is the location of the country. If Ukraine remained adjacent to different part of Russia this war would not have taken place. Another reason that come out is speculation whether Ukraine may move to EU and NATO. Whether this is a truth that Ukraine may become leaned towards US, this also provoked the Russian Supremo. All said and done, the final result of the war would be that there would not be any Ukraine left after a few months. If at all something is left after the war, it would be a piece of land that may be good for nothing. The Ukrainian leaders too have their own errors for buying this war. It is nothing but an administrative and diplomatic failure. If they thought that some powerful countries would support them, it was a false assessment. This is a...


                    (Collapse of star) We   all must have experienced that what right we did for others were misconstrued as wrong. What others did for our good must have ended in as bad. However, without any right or wrong both remain as actions. More than this the same action what is defined as good today may be redefined as bad tomorrow. Yet, the action remain as action today and tomorrow with no change. This is a uniform phenomenon in the whole universe. Where external intelligence is not applied, actions are not bisected to find good and bad. When fire is used for cooking and to appease our hunger, it is seen as good for us. Due to some carelessness, if we allow fire to cause some damages for us, the same fire is treated us very bad. However, if universe is functioning under some laws, the fire has to cause destruction at the appropriate moment. No one can stop it. We can only become a tool for it. If the concerned ...


Most of the population in the world may not disagree the existence of God. However, the  vision of God is not a uniform one. People shape 'their God' according to the teachings of the respective religions they belong to. All those who believe in God must have some common concepts like God is the creator of everything, He is the all powerful One, He is full of love etc. With all these built-in or acquired concepts, however, one may not believe in the Supreme One. Belief or faith is a plugged-in cord between man and cord. Whoever holds this faith may be able to do wonders in this world. According to Hinduism the fundamental perception or image of God is Tatvamasi. It means, tat - you, tvam - God and asi - are.  "You are God" must be the most considerate theory. The whole world, rather universe which include you and me makes God. When one see himself in God he gets himself plugged into the all powerful One. When I am God, I have power of God too. When it is s...


Considering primarily economic power, comforts available and satisfaction of the people we will find the top countries in the world. The following are the rankings of 2021 as reported by US News. 1 Canada  - GDP $1.74 trillion                     Population 37.6 million                     PPP $46,195 2 Japan -   GDP $5.08 trillion                    Population 126 million                    PPP $40,247 3 Germany - GDP $3.86 trillion                       Population 83.1 mn                       PPP $56,445 4 Switzerland - GDP $703 billion                            Population 8.57 m ...


Thousands of religions are in the world. Each one of them has it's own heaven. Heaven is believed to be managed by the unseen and unheard God. Though we do not know what is good and bad we say that heaven is a place of goodness. None of us might have ever enjoyed peace, yet we say he heaven is the centre of peace. Heaven is said to be filled with happiness. And goes on and on the decorative narrations about heaven. Now let us take a scientific look at heaven. Does science say anything about heaven? Unfortunately, no scientific documents have ever revealed anything about heaven; either positive or negative.  We may now find the different versions of heaven. Hindu faith suggests that Omkara is the primordial sound from which he whole universe was created. According to Bible the Word was the beginning.  "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (John 1:1) The Word denotes Jesus Christ here. And Christ Himself is heaven acco...


We  all meet countless number of people in our lives. In course of time some of them become close to us. Some even become part of our lives. However in some instances some of these people develop hatred towards us. These may further change into revenge and ultimately end up in enmity. Similarly some of these people we meet, it could be the last meeting. When we analyse our meetings we may find that on each day we meet new people.  Also we may unknowingly make goodbyes to a number of people. If we can anticipate or understand such situations we can prepare ourselves to confront such meetings. In such first meeting if we can present ourselves in the most cordial manner with good expression of love our images shall remain with those people in a pleasant shape. In the same way when we leave someone we must ensure that we create sweet impression in their hearts, which may remain with them for quite long. Our timely expression of love will certainly remain with them for ...


We assess all visible things by its size. The bigger the size, bigger the power. But the truth is that the size has nothing to do with what it is. This gigantic universe is estimated to have a diameter of 93 billion light years. Nothing to think about it because that is beyond our conception. But this, so big universe was a tiny particle at the beginning of time according to the Big Bang theory. Everything what is seen or unseen in this universe came into existence from that tiny particle. It may be beyond our imagination. The great stars which are much bigger than our sun shall collapse into a no mass state one day. And comes a new star from near nothingness.  Atoms of light elements are squeezed under enough pressure for their nuclei to undergo fusion. All stars are the result of a balance of forces: the force of gravity compresses atoms in interstellar gas until the fusion reactions begin. And once fusion reactions begin, they exert an outward pressure. As long as th...