Aerial view of one of the Isalands It is the need of the hour that the Central Government may take a relook into the system of the existing union territory administration in Lakshadweep. We have now 28 states and 8 union territories. Among the 8 union territories Lakshadweep is the lowest populated one. As on 2021 the population of Lakshadweep is about 70,000 and the area is 32.62 sq km. Out of the 36 islands only 10 are inhabited. Over 96% population are Muslims and the language of the island is Malayalam. If both the people of the Island as well as the Central Government are looking for the development of the island and the upliftment of inhabitants it is strongly suggested that this whole Islands may be made part of the state of Kerala. While the population of the lowest populated district Wayanad is 8,17,420 the island's inhabitation is less than 10% of it. Under no circumstances it would be an extra burden for the state of Kerala. While the state is leaping ahe...