
Showing posts from November, 2020


     (Hubble Space Telescope Image) (Continued from yesterday) Astronomers  at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands announced early this year about their new study suggesting there are some 50 billion free floating planets in our Milky Way galaxy. It is calculated that about quarter of Milky Way stars have lost one or more planets. These planets are free floating in our galaxy. A few decades ago no one thought about these rogue bodies. Now millions of galaxies put together the numbers of these are mind blowing. Collisions among planets and their host star are common. This happens in more than three per cent of planetary systems. Scientists think that our own solar system might have lost one or two planets, probably less massive than Neptune, earlier in its youth. The ejection of planets from their home planetary systems might be more common in denser star clusters ( The Trapezium star cluster is considered a 'looser' cluster), since more frequent e...


     There are planets that do not rotate around any star as our earth rotates around sun. Instead of revolving around any mother star they move around the space alone. Scientists have so far discovered about 10 such planets. Astronomers in Hawaii have recently located a free floating celestial body which is about 100 light years from earth and the closest to us so far identified. Scientists could present probable cause for the formation of the stray planets. If there are several massive planets in a star system, their gravitational fields come into conflict, and a large one may repel a smaller one from the star system. In our solar system Jupiter and Saturn are the largest planets and in comparison others are much smaller in size. Therefore, their gravitational fields do no come into conflicts. If there are two or more planets like the Jupiter one of them should have been repelled. The recently discovered object looks like a blue point which indicate that th...


It  is the most precious thing for us now. It is our own! All that we have is because of it. Without this we are none. We have not bought it, but came to us. We cannot turn down it or wait for it. Such great thing of ours now belonged to our near and dear little while ago. Little more time behind it belonged to our neighbours, our friends and our enemies. Some more time ago it belonged to unknown people, well known people, scholars, writers, teachers, priests or thieves. Years ago it belonged to kings, people we worship, people who harmed us a lot, people who made history, it belonged to wild animals and birds, our pets and the list goes on and on. What is it? It is nothing but the air we have breathed in a little while ago. It is in us. We are alive because of it. We cannot be alive without this. We believe that it belong to us,  yes, only for a little while. Everyone had it earlier thought it was theirs. In fact it belonged to none. Our beautiful and healthy body...


Clairvoyance  is the power or ability of seeing something beyond the natural vision or gathering something to the mind other than through normal senses. Clairvoyance is a French word having the meaning "clear seeing". A clairvoyant is believed to be using his Spiritual Eye rather than the normal eye. This spiritual eye is the 6th chakra  or 3rd eye which is considered as an energy center in the mid brain. Clairvoyance is the spiritual ability of the 6th chakra.  A clairvoyant is a normal person. Anyone with proper training and regular practice can become a clairvoyant. Psychic experiences are quite broad. Psychic experience includes everything from clairvoyance (clear seeing) to telepathy (hearing communication without someone speaking out loud) to channeling (bringing a spirit into your body) to clairsentience (feeling what someone else feels) and such other states. Psychic training gives us tools and resources to listen to the needs of our soul and feed our ...


(Continued from yesterday) The belief of rebirth is not confined to any region or any country. People from different parts of the world hold this belief. It is filtered through generations. When people die their bodies get decomposed but their souls take birth in other bodies.  This is the fundamental concept of reincarnation. It is said that human subconscious always keep some faint memories of previous life. It is believed that only some people get this memory of the past life. In India we have a religious back up for reincarnation. In Jainism, the soul and matter are considered eternal, uncreated and perpetual. There is a constant interplay between these, resulting in bewildering cosmic manifestations in material, psychic and emotional spheres around us. This led to the theories of transmigration and rebirth. The life after death therefore moves on to another form of life based on the merits and demerits it accumulated in its current life. The path to becoming a supr...


(Continued from yesterday) Dr Maurice  in his book narrated a near death experience of a youth who had met with a road accident and brought to his hospital. After examination the doctor had declared him dead. The youth remained 'dead' for a few hours and during this time, on information, few of his relatives came to collect his 'body'. After seeing the 'body' they went out to arrange an ambulance to take away the body. In the meantime the hospital staff found some movement of the body of the youth lying still on the table. Immediately the youth was shifted to the emergency room and later became normal. When he became normal he told about the relatives including the colour of their dresses who had visited him when in coma. According to studies conducted by Dr Satwant Pasricha in Northern India 1 in every 450 people experienced the past life memory; of the 19 cases found, past incarnation was identified in 16 cases. As per a report published by Madhusr...


There  are thousands of stories about rebirth from around the world. Many people from different countries have studied the subject and told the world what they had encountered. There are countless number of books dealing with the subject. Past and post life of many well known personalities were presented by some researchers of reincarnation. However for unknown reasons modern science is reluctant to conduct studies about this subject. Instead of saying either an 'yes' or 'no' the science prefer to remain silent. It may look easier to say a 'no', but it is equally important that to say a 'no' too should have the same knowledge that of saying an 'yes'. There are many reliable cases of people undergone clinical death and returned to life after a good interval. Many such people undergone the mystical experience revealed that they had passed through a long tunnel, seen some light, met with some known people etc. Maurice S. Rawlings, Americ...


China is playing with the poor economic conditions of many countries across the world. While China is funding on various projects of selected countries, their aim is not the development of such countries but to dictate terms upon them. There are already a good number of countries fallen to this debt trap. Sri Lanka Sri Lanka is portrayed as a country that has fallen into China's debt trap due to the Chinese aided public investment projects. Hambantota port was one such investment project, which was leased to China Merchant Port Holdings Limited for 99 years for $1.12 billion in 2017. It is a clean case of the debt trap. Kyrgyzstan Chinese Exim Bank has been the largest single creditor, with reported loans totalling more than $1.5 billion, roughly 40% of its total external debt. This country is at a vulnerable state of moderate risk. Maldives China has invested in about three nojor projects in Maldives. This country now owes $3.5 billion to Beijing. China is reported to ...


The  answer is yes. It may sound odd. Plants produce different kinds of chemical signals in response to the environment. They share these signals with each other, as an alarm when being attacked. These signals can be either through air or through soil. In short we can say that plants communicate with each other as in the case of animals, but in a different mode. There are instruments to receive signals and make those audible.  If we can develop these instruments suitably, such communications can be analysed, interpreted and understood. There is also a possibility of gathering warnings from the nature well in time. Gustav Fechner, professor from Germany published a book about the communication of plants titled Nanna or Soul Life of Plants. This book has inspired many scientists to have closer look at the communication of plants. Some recent studies reveal that plants communicate with each other and also can respond when humans communicate with them. Rich Marini of P...


According  to the day to day media reports hundreds of Pak infiltraters are waiting at the border to cross and create destructions in out country. Though our satellites can watch these infiltration of the terrorists, would it not be ideal to place a satellite exclusively for this purpose and parallely take action to destroy the move instantly. Until we take strong preventive action it may continue for ever. We must take all possible action to prevent infiltration of any sort from our neighbour country who have become adamant to cause problems within our country most probably at the behest of another neighbour of ours. Our most courageous jawans guarding the border must send a strong message to the Pak government that infiltration to India is totally impossible and even a faint attempt shall be dealt with very severely. The country shall provide them all available resources and the support of the fellow men shall always be with them. KV George


(Raising of Lazarus, painting by Guercino, Italian painter, 1619. Current location: Louvre Museum, Paris) (St Lazarus Church, Larnaca, Cyprus) "Lord,  the air is foul by now; he has been four days dead. ... And with that he cried in a loud voice, Come out, Lazarus, to my side. Whereupon the dead man came out, his feet and hands tied with linen strips, and his face muffled in a veil. Loose him, said Jesus, and let him go free." (John 11:43-44) After Lazarus was brought back to life four days after his death by Jesus Christ the priesthood stood against him. They wanted to kill him and that made Lazarus to flee from Judea and he reached Cyprus. There he was appointed by Paul and Barnabas as the first Bishop of Kition (Larnaca of today). He lived there thirty more years and on his death was buried there for the second time. The Church of Agios Lazaros was built over the tomb of Lazarus. The Church was founded in the late 9th century and dedicated to Lazaru...


China has become a strong competitor for India in the field of medical components. It is not a new case. China has already made huge investment in many fields in different countries of the world with the ultimate aim of gaining supremacy in the economy of those countries. China has made investment in a number of Indian start up companies to the tune of 2 billion USD in 2018 and 3.9 billion USD in 2019. These investment are made by Chinese firms like Alibaba, Tencent Holdings etc. Chinese government is believed to have share holdings of considerable value in these companies. This is nothing but an economic game played by China focusing towards the future. However, in order to counter this, Government of India has made necessary changes in the FDI act. The Indian government has made it mandatory to have prior approval for receiving FDI from countries that are sharing border with India. This alteration in the law is primarily aimed at China. EU too have grave concern over thi...


(The Sycamore tree as seen in Jericho today. The tree stands at a major intersection in Jericho. Though it is not confirmed whether this is the same tree Zacchaeus climbed upon, tests carried out on the tree have shown that it is over 2,000 years old and it stands in the same setting as the Biblical sycamore tree.) "So he ran on in front, and climbed up into a sycamore tree, to catch sight of him, since he must needs pass that way. Jesus, when he reached the place, looked up and saw him; Zacchaeus, he said, make haste and come down; I am to lodge today at thy house." (Luke 19:4-5) Zacchaeus, the publican (chief tax collector), wanted to pluck a flower but he was given the whole garden. The name Zacchaeus in Hebrew means "pure", "innocent". Sycamore tree is noted for its fruitfulness and this can be taken to symbolise rejuvenation/regeneration. Zacchaeus was to meet Christ from that tree and he acknowledged and repented his sins and also redisco...


1400 million  people are being played down by a few hundred so called leaders. It is like a few eye lashes of the elephant think that those put together can become bigger than the whole elephant. It is high time for the large majority to rise and make a roll call for themselves. Every wasted second may cost heavily. If wealth of a country is the natural resources available and the people available to exploit those, India is one of the richest countries in the world. But the wealth brought out so far have already been cornered by a few hundred people. They are getting stronger with more tools like unfamiliar ideology and unheard philosophy. In order to understand more about Indian politics one must look back to the midnight of August 15, 1947. When the elites of the contemporary politics were celebrating the independence of the newly formed nation at the Central Hall of Indian Parliament, the prime one behind the creation of that occasion, Mahatma Gandhi was walking thro...


Every country in the world is finding it hard to overcome the economic burden brought in by the coronavirus. We Indians too have our own problems to get over this hard time. However if the government is willing to convert this hardship into an economic wonder, we can certainly do it. How to do it .... Initially the central government may make out a list of areas where money is required urgently. For instance, developing existing hospitals, bringing up new hospitals in international standards, manufacturing of hospital equipments, advanced industries for manufacturing export oriented goods, educational institutions of international standards targeting students from abroad, wide hospitality network all over the country, infrastructure development etc. Then, the Ministry of Finance can issue an order indicating that anyone investing any amount of money in these fields need not declare the source of the investment but have to pay the income tax at existing rate. Other terms and...


Indian deposits in Swiss banks is reported to have dropped from $800 million in 2016 to $524 in 2017. Further to this Swiss non-bank loans and deposits have reduced by a significant 80.2% between 2013 and 2017. Swiss banks liabilities to Indian residents using BIS Locational Banking Statistics (in million USD) 2013 - 2648, 2014 - 2234,  2015 - 1447, 2016 - 800 2017 - 524 The total deposits in Swiss banks by Indian individuals and enterprises was Rs 6,625 crores in 2019. India's black money is estimated to be 62% of GDP whic is larger than the income generated by agriculture and industry put together, which is about 39% of GDP. Out of book transaction, parallel books of accounts, manipulation of books of accounts and sales receipts, under reporting of production, manipulation of expenses, transaction through associate enterprises etc are the prime causes for black money generation. Real estate, Bullion and jewellery transactions, Financial market deals, public procuremen...


For  long man is waiting for a visitor from outer space. If it happens unexpectedly we must keep ourselves prepared for the communication depending upon the intelligence the visitor possess. We must also keep in mind that we could not communicate with the animals, birds and other life forms coexist with us. Animals do have their own way of communication with same species. Animals usually use four methods for communication - visual, auditory, tactile and chemical. Some animals relay more on one form of communication. They all, however, use different methods for affection, attract mate and ward off threats. Different ways are used by animals for communication. Elephants engage in long distance calls. Advanced equipments confirmed that elephants produce sound waves of low frequency when they are separated. Human cannot hear these sound waves. Elephants manage long distance communication.  We cannot hear bats talk to each other as they use a process known as echolocati...


16 Psyche is a large asteroid discovered by the Italian astronomer Annibale de Gasparis in 1852. It is named after the Greek mythological figure Psyche. The size is 279×232×189 km and it's orbital time is 1823 days. Length of day is 4.296 hours. The mass is less than 1% of earth's moon. Psyche orbits the Sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter at a distance ranging from 378 million to 497 million km from the Sun. It takes about five Earth years to complete one orbit of the Sun. This asteroid is the primary target of Psyche mission. The Psyche spacecraft is scheduled to launch in August 2022 and will arrive at the asteroid in early 2026. The spacecraft will study all possible particulars about Psyche. This asteroid is known to be full of metal rather than of rock and ice. What makes the asteroid Psyche unique is that it appears to be the exposed nickel-iron core of an early planet. The mysterious object is loaded with heaps of platinum, iron, nickel and gold. Some...


Whether it is for central or state governments, all political parties, during the election campaign, make such amount of promises to the people that they would never be able to fulfill. While leaving, on completion of their tenure most of the governments fail to have fulfilled many of the so called manifesto. At present there is no criterion for the people to evaluate the progress of the performance of the government. We must find an end to this. There should be a clear yardstick to measure the progress of the government. The most ideal and result oriented yardstick for this purpose would be pci (per capita income) and ppp (purchasing power parity) During the first week after formation of the government the Prime Minister/Chief Minister may publicly announce the existing pci and ppp and the same should be repeated on the last week of their tenure too. This will help both the government and the people to evaluate the performance of the rulers for the period of governance....


People  all around the world are generally gathered at their own patches. For some it is race and for some others it may be religion, language, tradition or such other considerations. While comparing with people around the world, most Americans generally do not look for someone for their native. They are more liberal than many others. The newly elected President and Vice President have their ancestors beyond the boundaries of America. While President Joe Biden's roots can be traced back to Ireland and India, Kamala's mother in India. During the election campaign, unlike in many other countries, no one spoke about this. The history of US might have made their mindset so liberal. 9 American Presidents were born before America became an independent nation from the Kingdom of Great Britain. 22 Presidents had their ancestral origin that of Irish. George Washington to George W Bush many Presidents had English ancestry. King Edward I (1239-1307) was the forefather of about...


              *With love and regards*              Asha Parekh - yesterday                 Asha Parekh - Today          Waheeda Rehman - yesterday             Waheeda Rehman - today                   Rekha - yesterday                   Rekha - today             Farida Jalal - yesterday               Farida Jalal - today                   Bharati - yesterday                      Bharati - today               Tin...


            *  With love and regards*                Jeetendra - yesterday                Jeetendra - today                Dharmendra - yesterday                 Dharmendra - today             Randhir Kapoor - yesterday               Randhir Kapoor - today               Dilip Kumar - yesterday                        Dilip Kumar - today KV George


The basic meaning of the word empty is - containing nothing; not filled or occupied. Our naked eyes may find many 'emptys' around but in reality there is nothing in this universe that can be called empty. Until few decades ago the space above the aerial atmosphere of the earth was believed as empty or vacuum space. This concept was erased by Fritz Zwicky in 1933 by the finding of dark matter. Modern science now admits that there is no empty space in the universe. As per the scientific estimation the entire matter as we know in the universe consist of only 5 per cent. The remaining 27 per cent is dark matter and 68 per cent is dark energy. Dark matter does not emit light and, therefore, with the help of any existing tools it cannot be seen. It neither absorb light or any type of electromagnetic radiation such as X-rays or radio waves. The scientific community does not know much about the dark matter today. Tomorrow when we learn more about it, there may be an ocean o...


Undoubtedly  there is nothing like zero in the whole universe. It is non-existent. Not at all real. Sheer imaginary a concept. Adding more zero at the right side of any digit keep enhancing the value of the digit is a mathematical illusion. If the same zero is added on the left side of the digit makes no impact on the value. But adding a dot in between the zero and the digit diminish the value of the digit in term with the placement of the digit. Another illusion! KV George


Hypn osis has its origin from the Greek word 'hupnos' meaning sleep. The apt definition for hypnosis is: 'Hypnosis is a state of human consciousness involving focused attention and reduced peripheral awareness and an enhanced capacity to respond to suggestions.' The hypnotised one falls into a trance that is different from the conscious level of the normal one. Normally the hypnotised person acts as per the suggestion by the hypnotist ignoring all other things around. During hypnotic state the subject see, smell, feel and other perception, sensation, emotion, thought and behaviour are as guided by the hypnotist. Hypnosis can also be said as a mode of communication without the involvement of the conventional means. However it is still a controversial subject in science. Another method of nonconventional communication is Telepathy. Telepathy too has its origin from tele + Greek  pathia. It means, distant perception. In parapsychology telepathy is considere...


While  the Govt of Kerala is anticipating huge sum from  the tourism front we must ensure a few things. Keep the entire state clean.  Behave well with the tourists. The services of transport vehicles, shops, banks and other service centers should not be suspended for any reason. We should not ask the tourists coming from distant countries spending considerable sum to remain in their hotel or at the airport until we call off our hurtal or other protest activities. As Tourism may be one of our major source of revenues in the coming time we must do everything possible to attract more tourists to the Gods Own Country. KV George


For  best known to politicians educational institutions in India have been turned into political training centres. For one reason or the other, but mainly from political causes, campus violences take place quite frequently.   Since 2000 the number of political murders in Kerala alone is 172. A few condolence meetings, pasting posters all over, preventing the movement of vehicles on the road etc are the general reactions after each political murders. Till now no one has said that we should stop the killing. When we talk about the violence in colleges the prime question to be answered is who is bound to protect the students from violence within the colleges or from outside. Is it by the students themselves, the teachers and staff together, the management or wait for the police to come. The next question would be why should there be a violence. In case of any problems, usually there are umpeen methods to sort it out. Without choosing any such ways attacking and k...