Contr ary to the continues growth for centuries Christianity shows a negative tendency for the past some decades. Church attendance is diminishing constantly in some European countries and America. More churches are sold or closed than the new ones constructed. In many countries the youth are keeping themselves away from church activities. In some European countries, which were considered as the citadels of Christianity, Sunday mass is attended mostly by old people and on weak days the attendance has come down to 10 to 15 people. It is informed through reliable sources that seven Catholic Churches have been sold in the recent past in a European country which are now converted as Orthodox Churches. Sale of churches are taking place in USA, UK etc quite frequently. From 1990 to 2000 the combined membership of all Protestant denominations in the US declined by 5 million members (9.5 %) while US population increased by 24 million (11%) Christianity is on the decline in UK, Australia, Ger...