
Showing posts from March, 2023


Sometimes back an Indian made a trip to Japan in connection with some business matters. During the stay in Japan, one day he travelled in a city bus there. After getting down from the bus at the destination he noticed that he lost his purse. He immediately asked a Japanese person found close by that where could he find the nearby police station. That man asked him why he is looking for the police station. Our friend told him that he was from India and he lost his purse in the bus. The Japanese then asked him whether his address or local contact could be found in the purse . He told him that he was staying in a hotel and the card of the hotel is available in the purse. The man said. "Nothing to worry. By the time you reach the hotel, the purse would be available there."  Our man reached the hotel after sometime and told the story of the missing purse to the receptionist. He then picked the purse and gave him. He found that nothing was lost from the purse. Someone w...


Whenever someone approach us for some help, we may take that moment most precious for us. God Himself have come to us to bless us because He heard our prayer and here He would answer. The Supreme One always answer through each one of us. We would be asked to answer our prayer. The one who has come to us for help is our prayer. The help we extend is our answer. Hence we may decide how much help we need! All those who spend hours and days for prayers with the Holy Books in hands, priests around and incenses burning may not get answer for their prayers. When God Himself come to us in the form of a needy one shall certainly answer our prayers, the way we want! K V George 


Indians must be the most self centred people in the world. In such case Kerala must be on top of the list of state. Elders in Kerala generally advice their youngsters, "Why should we bother about others issues and purchase problems for us?" We all try to adhere to this advice strictly right through our life. And this must be the prime reason for most of us to remain indifferent when political parties take destructive attitudes. Those who have a dwelling place,. necessary food and some income are contented and , therefore, preferred to remain away from public affairs. Leaving the revenue from taxes and duties, the chief sources of income of the government of Kerala is from sale of liquor and from sale of lottery tickets. Despite having many avenues to raise our revenue multifold our non-professional governments are contented with availing as much loan as possible. The state, however, is surviving by the huge remittance of over Rs 1.5 lakhs crores per annum by our p...


     (Image courtesy: India Today) As per available information there are 33,69,444 active licenses, 97,00,000 registered arms and 6,14,01,000 illegal possession of fire arms in India as on 2016. Among the states, UP top the list with 12.77 lakh  active licences. MP with 14  per lakh population tops the list in the country in gun violence. According to a report by Business Standard updated on October 19, 2015, a place named Mungar in Bihar have about 300 illegal factories manufacturing weapons from single shot guns to sophisticated AK47 types. The price ranges from Rs 2,000/- for single shot 'kattas', semi-automatic pistol from Rs 15,000/- to Rs 20,000/-, a Carbine for Rs 1 lakh and an AK47 for Rs 2 lakhs. Mungar factories are said to be the prime source of illegal weapons across the country. Out of the 3 lakh cases registered in India during 2010-14 period, about half of them were in UP. An illegal pistol bought from Bihar was used in a killing in K...


According available information over 9,000 MT waste is generated in Kerala every day. Over 6,000 MT of this must be combustible waste.  If three thermal power plants are approved in private sector preferably by young engineers in Kerala matching with the available waste in the catchment area, there will be a constant demand for the waste and an equal rate of consumption. The carbon dioxide generated from the burning of the waste can be converted into solids. If adequate care is provided these solids can be reused. Considering the fact that one MT of combustible waste can generate about 600 kWh electricity, 6,000 MT as collected in three yards in Trivandrum, Kochi and Kozhikode can produce proportionate amount of electricity. Our youth being one of the most brilliant and efficient in the world can develop this into a higher level. If we are waiting for our politicians to sort out this issue the smoke will never be ceased. From what is proposed above, in one year we can f...


Let us make a wild imagination that the whole world is one country, one government, one party, one religion and one language! If it was so, there would not have any wars, any fights or any disputes. Poverty would not have been so much. The gap between haves and have nots would not have been so wide. People would have been happier everywhere. Who made this ground for the the existing worst competition all around the world? Old Testament gives an answer to this. Genesis 11:1 says: "Now the earth was of one language and of the same speech." Then the ambition of the people of Babel (Babylonian city) went so high. Genesis 11:4 says: "And they said: Come, let us make a city and a tower, so that it's height may reach to heaven". Then God came down to the world. Genesis 11:7 says:  "Therefore, come, let us descend, and in that place confound their tongue, so that they may not listen, each one to the voice of his neighbour." God did not stop there. ...


If  anyone is looking ahead for the development of Kerala, they may strictly obey the following commandments. 1. Ban all Trade Union activities. 2. Open Public Grievance Redressal Centres in every collectorate. Ban all forms of public protests, the way we use. 3. Formulate law for dismissal from service with huge penalty to anyone involved in any types of corruption. If these three laws can be established and followed up strictly Kerala can have a quantum leap in economic and social development. This suggestion is beyond politics. K V George


What is shown above is a news clip appeared in the front page of the leading Malayalam daily today (6th March 2023) The words Papa, Mummy, my beloved Son, Daughter and my dear Brother, Sister etc are mere technical words to denote human relations. These words are absolutely not to indicate love, bond or attachment. The so called Indian culture has been deteriorated heavily in our country. What is persisting here are some worthless political ideologies, imaginary monetory concepts and meanless and blind divine philosophies. According to the above news report, many people suffering from mental disorders were admitted in different government mental hospitals in Kerala. After undergoing long treatment for about ten years, perfectly cured fully healthy people have been discharged from the hospitals. A total of 164 such cured ones have no claimants now. The so called close relatives like parents, children, brothers and sisters etc who had admitted these people in the h...


According to different religious teachings faith i“Follow the path of the yoga of meditation.  Be steadfastly devoted to God, and with a concentrated mind dwell at all times in the thought of God.  “Learn to look with an equal eye upon all beings; shun all hatred and enmity; and with a cheerful heart surrender yourself to the Feet of the Lord.  “Be content, no matter what your lot; “In eating, drinking and recreation, be moderate; “Walk in the paths of solitude; seek peace within your heart; “Be a friend to all, make no complaint of their faults,  “With sympathy minister to their suffering; Make ready thus to receive that knowledge which reveals the Truth.  “So shall you free yourself from the bondage of earthly consciousness;  “Then shall you realize the Self [Brahman].” “Srimad Bhagavatam: The Wisdom of God” as imparted by Sage Kapila to his mother DevahÅ«ti—Chapter V “The Cause of Misery and the Way to Freedom.” religions according to their ne...


I have been writing here time and again about the huge availability of money for the government. Unfortunately instead of opting for it our own elected governments always prefer to squeeze the people as much as possible. According to three different sources of information, the black money available in India now is: a) Over $10 trillion b) Rs 900 lakhs crore c) As per unconfirmed report of the World Bank, 20% of our GDP is available in black money. A common man of this country, that is I myself, suggest once again to the Government of India, to give the black money holders opportunity to invest this money in some selected priority sectors without declaring the source of income, but by payment of the existing rate of basic income tax plus a 10% penalty. If about 50% of the black money could be pumped out through this offer it would be a big gain for the government. Please consider this and give relief to the people in petrol, cookingas and umpteen other things. K V George...


The  state police have submerged deep in politics. This excessive politics may  create a tendency in the force to deviate from their fundamental obligations to the people. The propensity to move away from corruptive practices were fast catching up till recently. Of late, it is found to be slanting towards the other side.  The force who are to maintain law and order in the state most judiciously with equity and justice should always remain above politics. The prevailing circumstances force them towards a particular ideology over and above the democratic principles of the country.  What we find in the state is that the force is expected to be  hand in glove with political parties. The police naturally become part and parcel of the ruling parties. Gradually it create a give and take situation. While these situations promote corruptive practices anywhere, ours cannot be seen as different. Alongwith this crime and sin are pumping up on the other side. As ...