What are all happened in Vizhinjam region were unprecedented in Kerala. As usual in many other parts of the country a bad situation is made worse by antisocial elements here too. There are also some power centres playing from behind the seen, can also be reasonably suspected. Whoever must be trying to induce the situation are doing this without knowing the very dangerous consequences of it. Or, they are not bothered about what would happen to our country. We all must know that we are playing with the poverty of a section of our own society. The antisocial people who pretend to be acting like extreme patriots must not be knowing the meaning of patriotism. Any action that hamper peace within our Motherland can only be caused by antisocial elements. The people may look around always and find such antisocial activities and discourage those instantly. This is written with the sole interest of peace and harmony within our country always. Jai Bharat Mata! K V George...