What ever is now happening in the Syro Malabar Church is beyond imagination for either of it's own members or other sects of Christianity or those belong to other religions. People suspect whether it is acting as a Church or a commercial establishment or a political organisation. The educated clergy fail to realise the fact the social media, the print media and the visual media are so advanced and all those they try to hide from the public reach them in no time. Above all the rift in the hierarchy is well exposed among the common believers of the Church. The priesthood is competing with one another to meet the media and speak out something against other priests. This must be what Jesus Christ said in a Church, "Take these away, do not turn my Father's house into a place of barter." (John 2:16) The priesthood together has made it a Church without Jesus in it. The following news appeared in the media during the recent past show us what the Church has become now. *...