
Showing posts from September, 2023


According to Corruption Perception Index of 2022 by Transparency International, India ranks 85 (least corrupt nation) among 180 countries. As per this index the least corrupt countries are Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore and Sweden in the 1 to 6 rankings. One may wish to ask our fellow Indians whether our country can place our name among the above countries during our lifetime. If there is an answer, it would be a flat 'no'. Corruption will be steadily increasing here as no efforts are being made to eradicate the cancerous growth of this destructive element from our society. It seems that corruption is in the blood of most Indians. It all starts from laziness. Making money without any sweating is basically the trendsetter for corruption. Then comes the never ending thirst for comfort, power and so the accumulation of wealth. Cheating, pick pocket, theft, burglary, bribery etc fall in the same category of crimes. Until recently Karnataka, Rajasthan,


    Image courtesy to Breast tax (Mulakkaram) must be the most abnormal tax levied anywhere in the world. It was introduced by the erstwhile state of Travancore under the British rule in India. This tax was imposed on the women of lower caste, Nadars and Ezhavas between the age of 16 and 35. They were not allowed to cover their breasts and if anyone do otherwise were punished by heavy taxes. There was Channar revolt between 1839 and 1859 that prompted earlier against this tax seeking right for their women to cover their body at will but it went on for long until  it was withdrawn in 1924. The most remembered person in breast tax revolt was Nangeli who lived in Cherthala in the princely state of Travancore during the early 19th century. She was said to have cut off her breasts in protest against the breast tax. However the story of Nangeli was never reflected in historical books of Kerala and therefore, remained in the minds of the people like a fiction. Surprising


According to media reports, the Central Minister for Road Transport and Highways, Sri Nitin Gadkari informed that pot holes of the roads across the country shall be got repaired. As per available information the state of Kerala has a road network consisting of 11 National Highways, 72 State Highways and a good number District Roads. Since the present offer by the minister is restricted for 11 NH only, the huge number of State and District Roads which are full of potholes and other serious damages are not to be taken up by the Central Ministry. Since the state is in absolute paucity of funds the repair is not likely to be taken up in the near future, the Central Ministry may directly arrange for the repairs of all these currently at their cost.  The money spent for this purpose may be booked on the state's account and recovered conveniently. It maybe be noted that there were 43,910 road accidents in Kerala in 2022 killing 4,317 and injuring 49,307 people. Accident rate i


Do we ever think about our real future? It is not about what we eat tomorrow or what we wear day after. It is about our real future. We have only one real future. That is for all of us. We may believe in this God or that God. We may go to temple or church or somewhere else. The final destination may be the same to all. After the entry into that Divine gate, the life may be same to all of us, irrespective of our belief and faith. We all will have just One around us and that will be the Supreme One. Here we must find an answer to a question. Whether He will forgive all our wrongs and and save us to Himself or He will give eternal punishment for our minutest sin. When the Divine joy is height of all happiness and peace and it will be ever lasting, irrespective of the density of the sins committed the retribution will also be height of sufferings and pain and that too should last for ever. Now, here on earth, we can seek forgiveness of all our doings and then get into the other


Housing area of common man in Luxembourg The following are the richest people in the world in GDP per capita income of 2022. 1. Luxembourg        $1,42,214 2. Singapore            $1,27,565 3. Ireland                  $1,26,905 4. Norway                 $1,14,899 5. Qatar                     $1,14,648 6. UAE                          $87,729 7. Switzerland             $83,598 8. USA                          $76,399 9. Denmark                  $74,005 10.Netherlands           $69,577 When the above are the richest countries in the world we may find where India stands in the list. The rankings of India and some selected countries are also given below for the readers to evaluate the economic growth of the people of our country. 120. India                          $8,379 72. China                          $21,476 43. Israel                          $49,509 56. Malaysia                    $33,434 96. Indonesia                  $14,653 101.Vietnam                   $13,457 Though


The simple answer to this is: yes, we can. But we must put some efforts. If we pick children between the age group of 6 and 10 at the school level and give training in various athletics disciplines for a few years it may  have wonderful results. After observing the performance for sometime target can be set for their respective discipline at National, Asian, International and Olympic levels. Those who achieve the set mark can be selected for the relevant competition. During the final training for the concerned event, their targets can be raised to confirm the final level. This can be done in every athletic discipline. Continuous professional training, proper food and relaxed mind will certainly enable an Indian athlete to reach the top layer of the world of athletics. Let us do these things that brings prestige to the nation than playing stinking politics all around. Here are some suggestions that may bring some Olympic medals if strictly followed. 1. We have about 1.5 bill


When Karuvannur bank case first came to lime light it was taken as banking anomaly. The amount involved was about Rs 300 cr. Consequent upon the investigation by the central agency it is found to be a clear case of theft of public money. The amount lost by the criminal activities by the bank's own officials is reported to be over Rs 700 cr. It is not Karuvannur bank alone now, but there are about ten banks in the state have been used by the political criminals. The total loss of money stolen by these thieves, the number of victims and the exact amount lost by each is yet to be found. More important is the actual number of criminals involved in this is yet to be identified. Since it is a very serious matter and the recurrence of such crimes should be got rid of at any cost it is suggested that the Central Finance Ministry make take this as a serious issue and take appropriate remedial measures. It would be preferable if the Reserve Bank may nominate suitable officials to


In comparison of the two countries, Kerala, one of the smallest state of India is 0.59 the size of Sri Lanka, an independent country. The current estimated population of Kerala is 3.57 crores whereas Sri Lanka has 2.19 crores. The climatic conditions of both places are more or less similar. There are many similarities in geographical area too. While making an economic comparison with India,  the following figures stand testimony. 2022-23 GDP of India is $3.30 trillion. GDP of Sri Lanka during 2022 was $94 billion. While going back to 1960 the GDP per capita income of Sri Lanka was $152 (South Korea $153, Malaysia $280 and Indonesia $60) and India $303) GDP of India about half a century ago was double the amount of Sri Lanka. GDP pci of India in 1990 was $368 (China $318) In the same year GDP pci of Sri Lanka rose to $565. The same of Sri Lanka became $1,065, India could come upto $1,913. Sri Lankan GDP pci in 2021 was $3,994 (Rs 3,19,520), 2022 was $3,393 and estimated for


Primarily an actor becomes popular for the charector he played. During the course of time his action, facial expressions, voice etc too become factors for consideration. If he is young, his look, body, dancing perfection etc also contribute to the popularity. Once a leading actor enter into politics and tries his luck in election, instantly his fans get divided. And many of them become rivals too. This rivalry continue throughout the life. Even if he retires from politics the rivalry continue. In American politics two film actors become successful in politics are known to us, Ronald Reagan and Arnold Schwarzenegger. However in Indian politics there are not many who could shine in national politics. To name a few, they are, N T Rama Rao, M G Ramachandran, Jaya Lalita, Hema Malini, Smriti Irani, Shatrughan Sinha, Raj Babbar, Jaya Prada, Jaya Bachchan etc. If one is a real actor and successful in film career it would be preferable for such ones to keep away from politics. Once


This is a real life story of a young man from Uttar Pradesh few decades ago. There was a very rich man. He had plenty of land and other assets. Many men and women were working in his farm. This man was highly influential too. His son after having the basic education put his hands in different fields and made good money. He married to a beautiful girl from a royal family. After the initial days, annoyance erupted in his family life.  This young man had developed relationships with many girls with filthy characters. His wife had a descent job with good earning. Since all efforts failed to bring him back to normalcy  his wife bought a new house and left him along with the children. Despite this he continued to move with those sluts. With the influence of his father, this man could secure some powerful political office. There also this man played filthy games to make money. He could destroy a good number of respected people. Finally he was involved in a financial fraud case and


Sophia Duleep Singh (1876-1948) who fought for the rights of Indian women Indian  women must be anxious to know about such countries. The experience in our home country is not that sweet to remember for many Indian women. Getting out of the house after sunset must be unthinkable in many parts of our country. According to the report of IDP India, New Zealand is ranked as the safest country for women in the world. The same country also ranks No.2 in Global Peace Index 2023 as per various studies and reports. Adequate laws are there to criminalise domestic violence and sexual assault ensuring stringent punishment. The country also provides various support services for the victims. New Zealand also has a strong focus on education and awareness in gender based violence. They also ensure equal opportunity and status for women in every social aspects. Singapore, Slovenia, United Arab Emirates, Iceland, Oman, Quatar, Armenia, Taiwan are the other top countries for safety of women i


Rohit Sharma walks back after the dismissal. Image courtesy, Hindustan Times. India's cricket match against Pak reveals the  present state of Indian cricket. Fortunately for India, the rain saved us. Otherwise it would have been total exposure of the current Indian cricket. We have sent the current best team. One, two, three, four... was the collapse. Our top four batsmen fell within ten overs with a paltry few runs on the board. This is repeatedly happening in the recent past but no one bothers.  Our media must be the first culprit in spoiling the players. The media use to praise all top players with such amount of words that make each player think that they are the best in the world. On the other hand they don't pick and show a single error. Over and above these, the players feel that they have other modes of better earning now. But they fail to understand that if they don't perform well in international matches all income will suddenly end. If BCCI can do som


Scientific meaning of negative energy is that which is a concept used in physics to explain the nature of certain fields, including the gravitational field and various quantum field effects. The energy given to break an atom is considered as negative energy. On the other hand, if we look into negative energy through theological doctrine we may find different forces. Basically there are two energies in the whole universe. Those are positive energy and negative energy. While God is the centre point of all positive energies, it is the devil who heads all negative energies. Many of our religions teach this. This definition, however, seems to be a wrong one. Since all energies of the universe are originated from the Supreme One negative energy too is from Him only. When we commit sin, it is said to be the influence of negative energy.  The measure of energy we have is inherited. It is the energy of our ancestors that flow into us when we take birth in this world. When we are bor


Image courtesy, The Indian Express Human killings have become widespread in India. Sons and daughters kill father and mother. Father and mother kill sons and daughters. Brother killing sister and vice versa, husband's and wives kill each other etc can be found almost every day in newspaper reports. The age old culture of our country has been washed out of country by the modern educational system, cinemas, tv stories etc from our youth. Human values are getting fast eroded from our society. That must be the reason for such amount of people are being killed by our own fellow beings. According to available information more than 82 people are getting murdered every day in India. The highest murder rates in the world per lakh inhabitants basis is in El Salvador with 52.02, Jamaica with 43.85 and Honduras with 38.93. On the other hand the lowest are Japan - 0.2, Singapore - 0.24, Hong Kong - 0.3, Luxembourg - 0.3 and Indonesia - 0.4. In India the rate is 3.08. Corruption in o