According to media reports the central government is asking the state of Kerala to bring in 25% of the cost of land, amounting to Rs 5,500 crores, to be acquired for the development of 600 km National Highway passing through Kerala. The state government has expressed their inefficiency to raise this amount now. The way things are shaping up the people are constrained to believe that the so called highway development may not come up in the near future. The state government has only two options in this matter. One, to accept the demand of the center and agree to pay the money and ensure the development of the highway. The other, refuse the payment and forget the highway. Alternatively the state can try to negotiate with the center to bring down the share of the state from 25% to a possible level. However, whatever may be the decision taken, both state and central governments should look at the truth that over 11 people are falling dead and over 200 people are seriously injure...