
Showing posts from July, 2018


40.3 mill ion people are under slavery world over according to the findings of Walk Free Foundation from Western Australia. The most heinous aspect of modern slavery is that almost all the victims are not aware of their rights at all. An estimated 18 million people are kept as slaves in India. Many of them are under debt bondage from their land lords. Poor farmers are compelled to borrow from local money lenders to meet the exorbitant cost of farming including fertilizers, pesticides and genetically modified seeds. When these people fail to repay the money with huge interest they are brought into the trap of bondage. They also do not make any complaints as they are afraid of the potential repercussions from the authorities. There are about 70 million slaves around the world in 2016 with 58% of them living in India, Pakistan, China, Bengladesh and Uzbekistan. An estimated 10 million of them are children. These slaves are also forced  to do illegal activities. Alongwith migrant ...


Judi ciary is the    ultimate hope and trust for common    man.    When he is  being       exploited        he tries to    approach    the judiciary the earliest possible.      No  common man is an expert    in       law.      He also  is not conversant      with    the          highly intrigued legal          procedures.  He needs to have the help of a   person for this. He has to buy this help in the form of a lawyer.       Since  this     is a priced   service   and    because   ...