Forg iveness is the essence of Christian teaching. Jesus Christ, throughout His life, taught all those around to forgive between themselves. Jesus is full of love. He is the incarnation of love. Forgiveness is the outcome of love. There cannot be any forgiveness without love and vice versa. In today's world forgiveness is confined to a few words like sorry, excuse etc and limited to a sum called compensation. Even loss of life is compensated with money, that too by variable sums from person to person. In Christianity forgiveness is relief from the punishment for sins. The agony of man in any forms like disease, pain, hunger, poverty, failures etc are the results of the negative energy contained in oneself. This negative energy is not created overnight but accumulated through generations. These negative powers can be eliminated by one method only, forgiveness by Lord God in the form of Son of Man. When Jesus cured a leper, restored eyesight to a blind one, brought a disabled one to...