
Showing posts from 2015


Aam Aadmi government of Delhi has hiked the remuneration of the members of the legislature to ₹ 2.1 lakh pm or ₹ 7000/- a day. This must be in par with or much above the richer nations. Has the Chief Minister forgotten that around half the population of Delhi find it too hard to have two square meals a day? Has he ever surveyed to find as to how many of his people are earning ₹ 7,000/- a day? Does he know that his tax payers include people working in the waste dumps and sewage, beggars and flesh sellers? He and his party members must realise that people have never called them to rule but each one of them offered themselves to serve the people under the existing conditions. After getting the chair of power, under the cover of democracy and the so called majority, if they earn huge money for themselves people may only see it as political corruption. Now, after having done bad thing, they may do something good for the people too, failing which it may not take too long for the people to re...


The exact number of atheists in the world is not known. 2% to 11% of the world population is believed to be atheists. According to a Gallup International survey 2012 the figure was 13% but becomes 11% in 2015. Scandinavia and East Asia, particularly China account for more numbers. Europe have around 12%, North America 5%, Middle East and North Africa with less than 1% is the other share. South America is also in single digits. Atheism existed in India during Vedic period. Western atheism has its roots in pre Socratic Greek philosophy. According to Gallup survey atheism is on the rise. 'No religion' or non religious account for 9.66% in USA. Growth of atheism is the result of fundamentalism or fanaticism in various religions. However atheism act as a counter balance to these fundamentalists and fanatics. KVGeorge


Countless number of people made hue and cry for and against prohibition of beef. Protest against killing of stray dogs still being continued. Similarly there are large supporters for other animals, birds, trees, hills, rivers etc. raise their voice for the safety of them. We all love and are proud of these noble people. On the other hand we become sad about the 'no response ' reaction about the killing of human beings in Madhya Pradesh in connection with the notorious 'Vyapam' scandal. According to media reports the death toll have already crossed 50 and still being continued. As an Indian or as a human being should we not react in any possible manner? KVGeorge


A few years ago there was a proposal for an Express Highway to run the entire length of Kerala. Malayalee said no to it. It was dropped. Until 2014 a proposal from the Indian Railway was alive for a ra


FOR quite sometime dog menace has become subject of discussion both in the media and social circle. There are reports of deaths and large number of hospitalisation cases. Animal lovers and human lovers are making loud public speeches. We have Punchayats, Municipalities and a state government to deal with the matter. So far no one could offer a practical solution. The central minister has reportedly gone to the extent of saying that the whole thing is a mere talk but nothing actual. All said and done let us do something practical. If the government can find some land anywhere in the state, they can construct the required number of sheds with proper design and have a boundary wall and entrust the management to some animal lover organization for the management. Necessary financial assistance should be provided by the government. This earth is not our ancestral property. This belongs to the dogs too. KVGeorge


One offense> One constitution. Two courts. Two judgements. One say "yes". Other say "No". One is certainly wrong. Who is wrong? KVGeorge


THE ongoing Kerala assembly witnessed scenes that are strongly warrant fundamental changes in our Democratic system followed since independence. The people should take the right decision at the right time..It should not be left to the political goondas. KVGeorge 


Government of Kerala has launched 'Operation Suraksha' to ward off Goondas alias Quotation team. Within 48 hours of launching 3737 people who are falling in this category have been arrested. I think if this operation is continued for some time a good number of population shall be behind bars, but the real question is how long they shall remain under custody. What a culture! What a civilization! KVGeorge


According  to media reports, some employees of big companies have been arrested for smuggling out secret documents from various ministers of the Central Govt. These people are seem to be mere carriers. They must have done this as per the directions of their corporate heads. Unfortunately, under the present political system in India, none of these corporate heads who are the beneficiaries of these shadow operations shall be arrested and questioned. Also, these ante government activities could not have been carried out without  the connivance of the civil service heads of of the concerned departments. They are and shall be 'clean and safe'. KVGeorge


Another  Hartal in Kerala! 340 million people were put under house arrest for 24 hours!  All the so called pillars of the constitution were silent spectators ! Reason?  One man says, he paid money to other man. Other man says, he has not received the same. Even a below average person in intelligence can say that one of them is certainly not saying the truth. Who is that? To find out the truth we have police and judiciary. Ignoring these, the politicians prefer Harthal to find out the truth. Of course they too know that there would be no result with the Harthal but this helps to make their presence felt. Who bothers about the truth! KVGeorge