
Showing posts from December, 2014


A wonderful decision by Kochi Corporation ❗ Posters and scribblings no more on Kochi walls❗ What about political writings and religious posters ? KVGeorge


| Government of India is proposing to amend the MTP Act 1972. The existing law allows to terminate pregnancy up to 20 weeks. This is proposed to be extended up to 24 weeks. At present only a registered medical practitioner specialised in gynecology is allowed to do the termination. As per this amendment, Homeo, Ayurveda and Unani practitioners and midwives are also become competent to do the termination. W hile the medical community in general is against this amendment, politicians of various parties are suspecting monitory corruption behind this amendment proposal. W hatever may be the proposal and the outcome of it, the primary intention of this is to check population growth. Here comes the very important question. Should we commit murders to check population growth? As this unborn baby has no name, not found in any government or social records and not even the member of its own family, is it fair to kill the child for any reason whatsoever? The child can not appeal  to...