
Showing posts from March, 2014


CRICKET is becoming a political entity in India largely because of its wealth and  ofcourse, of the popularity. While those who do not have any cricket back ground reach the helm of affairs, experienced and competent cricketers are side lined. The latest of the whole is that the apex court is constrained  to interfere to stop the meddling  of the gentle man's game. If it continues like this, sooner or later cricket will give way to politics. KVGeorge Kerala


ACCORDING to media reports 30% candidates contesting this general election are facing criminal charges in various courts in India. Don't we have five hundred plus clean people to  pick from 1200 million mammoth population? KVGeorge Kerala


CORRUPTION  has become the birth right of many Indians who have taken oath to serve the people honestly. This has already crippled many functional elements of the society. If it is further left unchecked it will eat up the nation. This can not be solved politically as it is not the political problem of any one party or parties. It is the problem of the Indians, the 'Arsha Bharathiyas'. As such, let us prepare the next generation to eradicate this decease. Make them aware of the catastrophe. They themselves shall fine a suitable solution. In the meantime, the judicial institutions may deal with the corrupt without any mercy whatsoever. KVGeorge Kerala