ONCE most part of the country was hit by a terrible drought. All streams, ponds and wells were dried out. People ran all over for water. Cattle fell one after other. The situation became panic. The priest of the local church during the Sunday sermon told his faithful people. 'Now only God can help us. If we pray from our heart with utmost faith He will save us from this havoc. So, today evening, all of you must assemble here with full faith in Him. We all together shall pray for rain and I am sure, if we have faith, before we end the prayer there will be heavy rain for hours. Only you must believe in Him.' T here was a huge gathering in the evening. The church could not contain the believers assembled in large numbers. The priest stood on the pulpit and asked in his loudest of voice. "Have you come with firm faith that God shall give us rain before we end the prayer? "Yes." Came the huge commotion. The priest asked again. "How many of you have brough...