ON 2nd Oct,2013, a young woman named Preetha, a resident of Kottayam, employed as a nurse at Hyderabad was hit by a stone thrown from out side while traveling in the S 3 coach of Thiruvananthapuram - Hyderabad, Sabari Express. Her left eye is seriously injured. After first aid at the railway hospital at Palakkad she is shifted to medical college, Trissur. for surgery. This incident took p[lace between Mankara and Parali stations. Similar incident was reported at Palakkad a week ago. This heinous crime is repeatedly happening throughout the rail length of Kerala. I n every case the stone is thrown by either a child, or a youth or an elder. Of course, not by an animal because those poor creatures do not do such atrocious crimes. Malayalees have become sadists? An average Malayalee, I think, is not bothered for others loss, others damages, others torture, others injuries and ultimately others death . It is high time for our sociologist and educationists to wake up and try...